Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Tale of Deers and Daughters, The Recap

November 9, 2010

Welcome back! That pregnant man-deer fucked up Frank's truck game pretty bad, but shit, that's what happens when you come after Mark. Mother Nature made her choice a long time ago; every Mark Trail fan worth his or her (ed's note: hahahaha) weight in Birdstrikes knows that. The only thing to do now is figure out how we got here.

If this isn't your first time taking a shortcut on the Trail, what follows is predictable. If it is your first, I'm sorry.

It begins with an inanimate object stating the obvious (ed's note: obvious as it pertains to the storyline, not to anything people have ever done in the history of the universe)...

...continues with Mark saving the day despite the physical limitations of space and time...

...sprinkled with a touch of persuasive things that villians are always saying in the heat of the moment...

...politicians will demand answers, but it won't be clear who they're addressing...

...and even though everyone will mull about and watch as defenseless animals get punted around for too long in a hilarious and totally unrealistic fashion...

...it will always end with a right cross and a wickedly clever turn of phrase from Mark Trail.

But the journey doesn't end there. More intrigue to come...

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